Free Printable Puzzles

We have crossword puzzles, word search puzzles, soduko puzzles, word scramble puzzles, mazes, math puzzles, crypto and coded riddle puzzles and dot to dot puzzles.

All puzzles are available in PDF format and can be printed on standard 8-1/2 inch x 11 inch paper.

Enjoy your free printable puzzles!

Free Printable Puzzle Categories

We have three levels of crossword puzzles. The levels are based on difficulty and are easy, medium and hard.

There are five free puzzles for each level.

The easy crossword puzzles are created on an 11 x 11 grid with fairly easy clues. There are about ten clues for each puzzle.

The medium crossword puzzles use a 13 x 13 grid with about fifteen to twenty slightly harder clues.

The hard crossword puzzles are on a 23 x 23 grid and have more difficult clues.

The word search puzzles are categorized by three levels of difficulty which include easy, medium and hard.

Each of the word search puzzle categories contain five free puzzles.

The easy word search puzzles are built on an 11 x 11 grid with about twenty words to find in the given word list.

The medium free puzzles are on a 17 x 17 size grid with about forty or so words in the word clue list.

The hard free puzzles use a 25 x 25 letter grid and contain about thirty-five to forty-five words in the word list and these words are more difficult.

We have dot to dot puzzles, or connect the dot puzzles, in two levels of difficulty, easy and medium.

These can be used as coloring pages after the dot to dot puzzle is finished.

We also have a section of dot to dot puzzles which, when completed, form the letters of the alphabet. These can be a great learning tool for young children.

All of our dot to dot puzzles can be printed on your printer absolutely free.

Thirty sudoku puzzles in three levels of difficulty.

In the easy and medium levels, they use the numbers one through nine on a 3 x 3 grid.

The hard sudoku puzzles are a different story.

They are built on a 4 x 4 grid which means that there are sixteen spaces in each block to fill. To obtain the sixteen digits needed to fill the hard puzzles, we use the numbers zero through nine as well as the first six letters of the alphabet which are A, B, C, D, E and F. These sixteen numbers and letters must all be used only once in each of the 4 x 4 grids.

Here, we have two types of free puzzles which we call crypto puzzles and coded riddle puzzles.

The crypto puzzles are jokes with the answers or punchline being coded with numbers. You must figure out the letters with the few clues which are given. There are three levels of difficulty including easy, medium and hard.

The coded riddle puzzles are jokes and quotes from famous people with the answers being coded with numbers similar to the crypto puzzles.

The main difference between the two types of free puzzles is that the coded riddle puzzles provide many more clues making them somewhat easier. However, the more difficult levels of the coded riddle puzzles have the answers coded with numbers and letters which makes them a little more confusing.

Our math puzzles section includes three different types of free puzzles.

First, we have math crossword puzzles. You must perform addition, subtraction, multiplication or division to obtain the number answer to insert into the crossword puzzles. There are two levels of difficulty which include easy and medium.

Second, we have math number search puzzles. Here, you must also complete math problems to obtain the number which then can be circled or crossed out in the puzzle. For the math number searches there are also two levels of difficulty.

Our third type of math puzzle is number word searches. The numbers for the free puzzles are given with no math problems to perform. Easy and medium levels of difficulty here as well.

Mazes to print absolutely free.

The mazes are categorized into four levels of difficulty. The levels are easy, medium, hard and very hard.

We have many different shapes and sizes of mazes. Just select a level of difficulty and choose a maze to print.

More information is included in our mazes category.

We have 120 scrambled words among eight pages.

Each word is accompanied by a hint which is the meaning of the word. There are fifteen words on each of the eight pages.

There is also a ninth page which contains all 120 unscrambled words.

All of the word scramble puzzle pages can be printed for free.

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